More Stories about Mansfield Massachusetts by Harry B. Chase, Jr. compiled by Louis F. Andrews. Originally published in the Mansfield News. Lifelong Mansfield resident Harry B. Chase Jr. served on the town’s first conservation commission and is a founding and charter member of the Natural Resources Trust of Mansfield. He served in the Transportation Corps and the Corps of Engineers in the army during World War II. After the war he worked as an illustrator and draftsman for The Foxboro Company, a manufacturer of industrial instruments in Foxboro, Massachusetts. He married Joyce Mitchell in 1982. Mr. Chase has written extensively about New England railroad history and of the experiences of his father, Harry B. Chase, Sr., Harry was a geological consultant and has written for geological publications on New England coal and coal mining. He has written weekly articles for the Mansfield News and for the Natural Resources Trust of Mansfield newsletter which is the basis for this book - “This Old Town”.